Facilitator: Rev. Matthew Harper
Meeting Day & Time:
?Tuesday @ 7:00 pm
Via Zoom
ZOOM LINK - https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2232334651?pwd=N1FCQThiaGV5b0N5cXFNWUVPdzh1UT09#success
Because of COVID-19, we are adjusting and finding new ways
of loving, praising, worshipping, and serving our Heavenly Father.
?This is a continuing evening Bible Study which will allow ample
time for us to:
· Discuss significant current events and how we, as Christians,
should process and respond.
· Understand what the Bible says about giving, family
relations, loving the un-Godly, etc.
· Explore various aspects of being a Christian such as
faith, belief, humility, and salvation.
· Do in-depth study of books of the Bible over a period of
Through candid discussions, we will share our testimonies, so we all can
grow from our experiences IN the world while building barriers so that we do
not become a part OF the world. As always, we will learn more, build each other
up, love on each other and laugh a lot because laughter is medicine for the
SOUL! (Proverbs 17:22). Please join us as we study and grow in God’s word.